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Contract Guide



A Labor Management Conference is a meeting between the URA-AFT, the Office of Labor Relations and such other representative(s) as the University deems appropriate, to consider matters of general interest and concern other than grievances. Such a meeting may be called by either party, shall take place at a mutually convenient time and place and may be attended by no more than five (5) URA-AFT Representatives employed by Rutgers who shall not lose pay for time spent during their regular working hours at such a meeting. National Representatives and/or Union Representatives may attend such meetings. Agreements reached at Labor Management Conferences may be reduced to writing.

Contract Guide
Union of Rutgers Administrators-American Federation of Teachers, Local 1766
75 Paterson Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: 732-745-0300
Fax: 732-745-0400
Labor Donated.
This site written, produced and designed by members of the Union of Rutgers Administrators

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