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Contract Guide


A. Seniority for the purpose of this Article shall be based upon an employee’s continuous length of service in the bargaining unit. In the event employees have the same seniority date, their respective seniority shall be determined by the date of commencement of employment at Rutgers. If employees continue to have the same seniority date, their respective seniority shall be determined by alphabetical order of their last names.

B. The Office of Labor Relations shall maintain seniority lists of employees, including the date of hire, and if applicable, the date of transfer into the bargaining unit. Copies of seniority lists shall be furnished quarterly to the URA-AFT.

C. Layoff shall be defined as the elimination of a position or positions within a particular work unit. A work unit is a budgetarily discrete academic or administrative entity. The URA-AFT shall be informed of all notices of layoff.

D. In the event of layoff, the following shall apply:
1. Where one or more employee(s) in the same title performing the same functional tasks in the same work unit is being laid off, layoff shall be implemented in reverse order of seniority, provided the senior employee has the requisite qualifications and abilities to perform the work available.

2. With respect to laid off employees who have provided current contact information to UHR, the following shall apply:
a. The employee who is being laid off may meet with UHR’s designee to identify open positions for which he/she may be qualified, including but not limited to the title currently held. The laid off employee may apply for and may be interviewed and considered for such open positions for which he/she meets the requisite qualifications.

b. However, where more than one laid off employee meets the requisites qualifications for an open position, up to three laid off employees, as determined by seniority, shall be interviewed and considered.

E. Any employee who is laid off and has not been placed pursuant to Section D above shall be placed on a preferred recall list for a period of up to eighteen (18) months. Employees who have provided current contact information to UHR may request to be notified by UHR of openings in titles for which he/she has previously been identified to be qualified. The employee shall be entitled to apply and be interviewed for those open positions, and if he/she has the requisite qualification and ability to perform the work shall be considered for that position.

F. If a position within the same title within the same work unit from which the employee was laid off is restored during the eighteen (18) month recall period, the employee who previously held the position shall be recalled. If more than one employee in the same title has been laid off from the same work unit they shall be recalled to those restored positions in order of seniority. Upon recall to employment an employee shall retain all seniority rights and benefits earned prior to being laid off and shall immediately begin to accrue additional seniority for all purposes.

G. Employees hired on a 10-month basis shall not be entitled to utilize the provisions of this Article during the 2-month period during which they are not employed.

Contract Guide
Union of Rutgers Administrators-American Federation of Teachers, Local 1766
75 Paterson Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: 732-745-0300
Fax: 732-745-0400
Labor Donated.
This site written, produced and designed by members of the Union of Rutgers Administrators

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